Open-Book and Real-Time
LRC Construction, LLC partners directly with clients to deliver a project that meets or exceeds their objectives. Beginning at the pre-construction stage, LRC will define and manage all aspects of the project, including estimation, budgeting, project planning, scheduling and execution. Benefits of key services provided by LRC during pre-construction include:
Collaboration: LRC will collaborate and fully integrate with a design team
on decisions that impact the final product; this ensures decisions with key implications further down the development timeline can be informed earlier.
Cost-analysis and cost-control practices employed during design stage, including value engineering and analysis.
Seamless Project Management: LRC Pre-Construction services account for the full range of services for a seamless client experience from design through construction, including:
• Constructability reviews
• Land acquisition
• Negotiating project construction services
• Permitting
• Scheduling
• Site condition and logistics